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Merry Christmas

25 Dec

Merry Christmas to you and a hearty cheers from Melbourne!

We spent the day at the Melbourne Zoo since everything else was closed and were very surprised that we had to queue at the entrance – apparently Australians flock to the zoo, not so much in order to see the animals but rather to have a picknick with their loved ones. We were amazed by the stuff they brought along: Huge eskis on wheels, camping chairs, picknick hampers, tons of christmas presents, funny hats and of course plenty of booze. So it turned out that the animals took a back seat for us, too. The Australians were much more interesting to observe! 🙂




Sunset Over Melbourne

24 Dec

The sunset over Melbourne, as seen from the lounge on the 31st floor… It feels weird, not to be celebrating Christmas tonight. So, Merry Christmas to all you guys at home! Missing you!


Amazing Accommodation

19 Dec

Wow, strike! We again got lucky with our accommodation, a stylish little cottage, in the middle of the forest… I could get used to this! 🙂




Goondooloo Cottage

16 Dec

We have left Kangaroo Island on the 5:30 ferry and have just reached our accommodation for the next two nights: Goondooloo Cottage, ten minutes from Cape Jarvis at the edge of Deep Crek National Park. Look at the wallabies hopping around just metres from our living room window!




Home sweet home

15 Oct

I have arrived in Bunbury safe and sound and am settling into my new home with Jan(et) and husband Kim. They’re both very friendly and have made me feel at home at once. The studio is actually quite cozy and only five minutes from the beach! I could get used to this! More in the next post ( tonight).


